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MezArts  - used as a support to ideas expressed within the text.... believed to inspire more ideas...

 ነጋሪ ስዕሎች . በቃላት ለሚነገሩትም አጋር ይሆኑ ዘንድ... ሁሉም እንደየአመለካከቱ በሚያያቸው ሰሎች ውስጥ ለራሱ የሚገለጥለት እንደሚኖር ሁሉ ...።


Free Amharic books, Poems and MezArts, ከምድራዊነታችን ባሻገር B Earthly Realm,, Beyond Our Earthly Realm,Books for universal spiritual unity of people
Free Amharic books, Poems and MezArts, ከምድራዊነታችን ባሻገር B Earthly Realm,, Beyond Our Earthly Realm,Books for universal spiritual unity of people
Free Amharic books, Poems and MezArts, ከምድራዊነታችን ባሻገር B Earthly Realm,, Beyond Our Earthly Realm,Books for universal spiritual unity of people

ስዕሎቹም የሚናገሩት ይኖራቸዋል!

These drawings also have something to say!

ነፍስ መዝራትና መንቃት ገና በትንሽነት

የሰማይ፥ የየብስና የባሕር ሕዋሳት ተፈጥረው ሲበዙና ሲባዙ፥  እኛ ገና አልተፈጠርንም ነበር።

እኛ ስንጋደል ስንሞት በያለበት
ትናንሾቹ ናቸው ሚበዙት - 
መሬትን የሚወርሱት።


Long before we were created, existed earthly creatures. They occupied the land, the ocean, and the sky.

In disagreement, we kill one another and die everywhere, while the small - like insects take over the earth.





እኛ በኋላ ተፈጥረን፥ ገና በጨቅላነታችን ግራና ቀኝ ተመልክተን፥ ከተፈጥሮ ብዙ ብዙ ነገር ተማርን። 


When we were yet minuscule, we looked in different directions, observed many things and learned a lot.  









እርስ በርስ መጣላት ከመጀመራችን በፊት ከተናካሽ አውሬዎች እየሽሽን ነበር ኑሮአችን፤ ቀስ በቀስ ምድራዊ እውቀታችን ኃይለኞች፥ ጥበበኞችም አደረገን፤ ግን ተለያይተናል። 


Before we started to fight one another, we used to be dominated by wild animals.  Through our earthly knowledge we became wise and  invincible, but fragmented. 





መንፈሳዊ ሥልጣኔ ከዘመናችን ምድራዊ ሥልጣኔ እጅጉን የረቀቀ ስለሆነ፥ ሁላችንንም  የሚያስተሳስረን እርሱ ነው። ፍቅር፥ ስላም እና አንድነትን በመንፈሳዊ ስልጣኔ ብንሻ፥ የማንደርስበት ሥፍራ፥ ፈልገን የማናገኘው ነገር አይርኖርም። እግዚአብሔር እውነት ነው።


Spiritual civilization could excel earthly civilization. Only our spirituality will keep us united.  If we seek for Love, Peace and Unity through our spiritual civilization,  we can reach anywhere and get anything. God is Real.

በመጫን ከስዕሎቹ ግርጌ የሚገኘውን መጠነኛ መግለጪያ ይመልከቱ።


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